Basic things You need to Know in C++😁
What is an Error?
Linker Errors: A Linker is something that links a header files to the object code loads into the main memory at the time of execution of a program. If there is a linker error in your code it suggests that the code is compiled fine however, the required libraries or function cannot be found to complete the execution of the code. Due to this your executable file that is not generated and henceforth cannot carry out the program execution.
Logical Error: On the Compilation and execution of a program, the desired output is not obtained when certain input values are given. These types of errors that provide incorrect output but appear to be error-free are called logical errors. These errors that provide incorrect output but appear to be error-free are called Logical Errors. These errors solely depend on the logical thinking of the programmer and are easy to detect if we follow the line of execution and determine why the program takes that path of execution.
Semantic errors: This error occurs when the statements written in the program are not meaningful to the compiler.
What are Keywords?
Keywords are predefined words or reserved words in C++ library with a fixed meaning and used to perform an internal operation. C++ Langauge supports more than 64 keywords.asm | dynamic_cast | namespace | reinterpret_cast |
bool | explicit | new | static_cast |
catch | false | operator | template |
class | friend | private | this |
const_cast | inline | public | throw |
delete | mutable | protected | true |
try | typeid | typename | using |
using | virtual | wchar_t |
What are Preprocessors?
The preprocessors are the directives, which give instructions to the compiler to preprocess the information before actual compilation starts.
All preprocessor directives begin with #, and only white space characters may appear before a preprocessor directive on a line. Preprocessor directives are not C++ statements, so they do not end in a semicolon (;).
There are a number of preprocessors directives supported by C++ like #include, #define, #if, #else, #line, etc.
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